Aquest allotjament està molt sol·licitat!
4 viatgers han fet una reserva avui.
S'ha eliminat dels favorits
3.546 comentaris
3.546 comentaris
Puntuació de la ubicació
50 m
90 m
140 m
200 m
270 m
930 m
1,2 km
1,5 km
1,6 km
2,7 km
300 m
380 m
380 m
390 m
410 m
A més de Indonesia Care, tot els hostes poden gaudir de wifi gratis a totes les habitacions i aparcament gratis si venen en cotxe. L'allotjament està situat estratègicament a Riau, el que et permetrà accedir a les atraccions i monuments locals i tenir-los a prop. No te'n vagis sense visitar Trans Studio Bandung. Amb 4 estrelles, aquest allotjament de gran qualitat ofereix als hostes accés a restaurant, piscina exterior i piscina coberta, disponibles al mateix allotjament.
Certifica pràctiques de seguretat sense contacte, higiene i neteja impecables.
Enllaç amb l'aeroport
Servei de transport
Wifi gratis a totes les habitacions
Entrada/sortida exprés
4 viatgers han fet una reserva avui.
Relació qualitat preu | 8,3 |
Distància des del centre | 0.5km |
Puntuació de la ubicació | 9,0 |
Aeroport més a prop | Aeroport Internacional Husein Sastranegara (BDO) |
Distància des de l'aeroport | 3,4 km |
Quines són les hores d'entrada i sortida de Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel?
El registre d'entrada és a partir de les 14:00, i el registre de sortida és fins a les 12:00. Pots sol·licitar entrada anticipada o sortida retardada durant la reserva, subjectes a la disponibilitat. Pot ser que es cobri un suplement als hostes que facin l'entrada o sortida abans o després dels períodes de temps establerts. L'allotjament proporciona servei de consigna d'equipatge als hostes per a abans de fer l'entrada i després de la sortida. La recepció sempre està oberta, dia i nit.
Com puc arribar a Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel?
Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel té fàcil accés des de l'aeroport. De fet, pots fins i tot reservar el teu enllaç amb l'aeroport amb antelació perquè estiguis més tranquil. Només has d'utilitzar la secció "Volem saber què necessites" a la pàgina de reserva per informar l'allotjament que vols reservar un trasllat, i aquest es posarà en contacte amb tu mitjançant el servei de missatgeria d'Agoda. Allotjar-se a Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel també comporta poder accedir fàcilment als barris del voltant de l'hotel amb el servei regular de transport disponible a l'allotjament. Per a aquells que desitgin conduir els seus propis cotxes, Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel disposa d'aparcament just al mateix allotjament per a la màxima comoditat. L'aparcament és gratuït per als hostes. Per fer-ho més fàcil, les opcions d'aparcament inclouen servei d'aparcament complet. Si busques una forma fàcil de moure't per Bandung amb transport privat, l'allotjament et pot proporcionar servei de taxi.
Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel ofereix esmorzar?
Comença els matins amb bon peu, amb les opcions d'esmorzar bufet i continental que ofereix Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel. Hi ha disponible una selecció de tipus de menjar incloent-hi esmorzar asiàtic i occidental per als hostes. Els adults pagaran un suplement de 181500 IDR i els nens de 95000 IDR si no està inclòs al preu de l'habitació. Pots estalviar en les despeses de l'esmorzar amb Agoda reservant una habitació amb esmorzar, que sovint està inclòs per menys que si l'adquirissis a l'allotjament.
Quines són les meves opcions de menjar a Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel?
Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel disposa d'un restaurant al mateix allotjament per la teva comoditat. Els àpats que serveixen inclouen sopar, esmorzar i dinar. Pots escollir entre una gran varietat de cuines, incloent-hi internacional i asiàtic. El servei de restaurant és tipus a la carta durant l'horari d'obertura. Aquí serveixen àpats lleugers com ara cafè o te, postres, amanida i sopa, elaborats només amb ingredients de qualitat. Per satisfer totes les necessitats nutricionals, el menjar vegetarià i halal es prepara amb la màxima cura i atenció.
A Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel es poden celebrar esdeveniments especials?
Pots escollir un espai de celebració a cobert per a la teva reunió especial. A Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel es poden celebrar grans esdeveniments i reunions com ara casaments, esdeveniments privats i peticions de mà. També es poden celebrar esdeveniments petits o íntims com ara llunes de mel, festes d'aniversari i festes de graduació. L'allotjament ofereix serveis com ara internet sense fil, càtering intern, equip audiovisual, decoració, planificació interna i música perquè el teu esdeveniment vagi com la seda. Acaba el teu gran dia amb serveis d'obertura de llit especials per celebrar la teva ocasió especial. Si ho desitges, pots sol·licitar serveis com ara menjar i beguda, pètals de flors i decoració de l'habitació.
A Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel es poden celebrar esdeveniments empresarials?
Els espais de celebració ubicats a l'allotjament i els serveis per a esdeveniments fan que Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel sigui l'opció ideal per acollir esdeveniments com ara reunions, conferències, esdeveniments corporatius i seminaris. Els 5 espais de celebració poden albergar Fins a 200 persones. Hi ha disponible una gran varietat d'instal·lacions i serveis, incloent-hi projector o pantalla de LED, equip audiovisual, material per a reunions i wifi gratis, perquè el teu esdeveniment o reunió empresarial tingui èxit.
Quina és la política de tabac a Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel?
Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel no permet fumar a les habitacions, però hi ha algunes zones designades per a fumadors.
Quins restaurants hi ha prop de Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel?
Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel es troba al barri Riau, que inclou restaurants populars com ara Karnivor, Nasi Bancakan i Ambrogio Patisserie.
Quins són els llocs per anar de compres que es troben més a prop de Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel?
Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel es troba a Riau, una zona que compta amb llocs per anar de compres com ara Heritage, Centre Comercial Bandung Indah Plaza i Istana Bandung Electronic Center.
Quines atraccions populars hi ha prop de Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel?
Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel es troba a Riau, una zona famosa per les seves atraccions com ara Geology Museum, St Peter's Cathedral i Bank Indonesia Building.
Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel
Gaudeix del millor que ofereix Bandung amb una estada a Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel, on et trobaràs just al centre de la ciutat, entre les nombroses vistes i llocs d'interès. Gràcies a la seva fantàstica ubicació, podràs accedir fàcilment a les destinacions imprescindibles de la ciutat.
A l'allotjament s'esforcen al màxim perquè els hostes estiguin còmodes, i per això, proporcionen el millor en serveis i comoditats. Podràs seguir conversant amb els teus contactes gràcies al wifi gratuït disponible durant tota la teva estada. Per ajudar-te a organitzar la teva arribada o sortida, pots reservar serveis d'enllaç amb l'aeroport fins i tot abans que hagis fet el registre d'entrada. Els serveis de taxi i servei regular de transport disponibles et serviran de gran ajuda per moure't per Bandung.
Els hostes poden gaudir d'aparcament gratuït disponible en aquest hotel. Durant la teva estada en aquest hotel, el personal de la recepció et podrà assistir amb serveis com ara servei de consergeria, caixes de seguretat, consigna d'equipatge i registre d'entrada o sortida exprés. Aquest hotel disposa de serveis com ara visites guiades que et poden ajudar fins i tot a reservar entrades i fer reserves per a entreteniment i viatges. Per a estades més llargues, o quan ho necessitis, podràs tenir la teva roba de viatge preferida sempre neta gràcies als serveis de servei de neteja en sec i servei de bugaderia.
Les comoditats des les habitacions, com ara servei d'habitacions les 24 hores, servei de neteja diari i servei d'habitacions, faran que quedar-s'hi sigui una fantàstica elecció. Per motius de salut, no es permet fumar dins d'aquest hotel. Només es permet fumar a les zones habilitades per a fumadors.
Les habitacions disposen de totes les comoditats que necessites per dormir bé durant la nit. Aquest hotel disposa de aire condicionat en algunes habitacions perquè tots els hostes en puguin gaudir. Aquest hotel també ofereix màquina de cafè o te en algunes habitacions per quan sentis que et fa falta. Com que saben que les comoditats del bany juguen un paper important a l'hora d'augmentar la satisfacció dels hostes, aquest hotel proporciona articles de tocador en determinades habitacions.
Menjar i coses a fer
A Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel, tots els matins pots començar el dia amb un esmorzar a l'allotjament. Durant la teva estada, tria entre una varietat d'opcions de restauració delicioses disponibles en aquest hotel. Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel proporciona als hostes restriccions dietètiques variades amb tipus de cuina com ara disponibilitat de halal. Passar una nit a les instal·lacions d'aquest hotel, com ara bar, pot ser tan divertit com sortir de nit amb els teus companys de viatge.
Aquest hotel té fins i tot instal·lacions de cuina com ara barbacoa per als hostes més selectes.
Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel ofereix una excel·lent varietat d'instal·lacions d'oci. Des d'aquest hotel podràs accedir fàcilment a la platja i estar ben a prop de l'oceà durant la teva estada. La gran varietat d'ofertes disponibles a Best Western Premier La Grande Hotel són garantia que sempre tindràs alguna cosa a fer durant la teva estada. Unes vacances sense un bany refrescant a la piscina no són unes vacances completes. Amb el gimnàs d'aquest hotel, pots fer exercici diari o simplement suar el trastorn d'horari.
Aquest hotel ofereix sala de TV i saló compartits, on podràs conèixer altres hostes i sociabilitzar.
Al voltant de l'allotjament
Aquesta és la teva oportunitat per explorar tot el que Bandung et pot oferir. La millor forma de recordar el temps que has passat a Bandung és amb un bonic regal de Rumah Mode Factory Outlet, a aproximadament 3,1 km de distància. Gaudeix del millor art de la ciutat a Geology Museum, a 1,4 km de distància, on podràs aprendre sobre l'ambient artístic local i comprar obres originals.
87 mencions
54 mencions
Servei de neteja
39 mencions
26 mencions
Els llits supletoris depenen de l'habitació escollida. Consulti la capacitat de l'habitació individual per obtenir-ne més informació.
L'edat mínima dels hostes és 4 anys.
Due to COVID-19 circumstances, the property is implementing additional measures to protect the safety of guests and staff. Some services and amenities may be limited or unavailable. Please contact the property for more information.
Mostra comentaris que continguin
Recommended Hotel!”
the hotel is located in the center of city and really near to the famous Braga Street. the hotel room is clean and spacious. the breakfast is great! I stayed for 3D2N and the person who is in charge in omelete section had already remembered my order. good job! the minus from this hotel is only 2 things. first, obviously the parking space. i don't think you can park here if you're a newbie driver. but don't worry, you can do valet parking with free of charge! (unfortunately the reception didn't inform me at first when i checked in, and i got this information from bell boy on my LAST DAY. lol). second thing, apparently you can't borrow hotel's plate. they said i have to order something first so i can borrow hotel's plate. hmm it's a bit disappointing for me, cause i bought lot of food and bring back to the hotel cause i feel safer eat in hotel room. well anyway, it's a good hotel after all :)
Veure ofertes d'habitació
Dear Mr/s Sarah, Warmest Greetings from Best Western Premier La Grande! Thank you very much for sharing such a wonderful review about your recent stay at Best Western Premier La Grande. Great to know that you really had an amazing time with us and our team provided you excellent service. I will surely share your lovely words and compliment with the team, we are delighted that we were able to exceed your expectations. We highly appreciate your feedback and we definitely look forward to welcoming you back in the nearest future. Best regards, Sukanto General Manager
Best experience!”
This was actually my second stay here at Best Western Premier, and honestly to say, this hotel never fail me! During this stay, I had to wait for approx. 40 minutes to get my room ready. No complains, though. I arrived at 12:10, time where people are checking out, so it was relatively faster than what I expected. I got the room as what I requested and they decorated my room as well (plus cake!! Delicious cake :)!). The bathroom was clean, though the amenities should be for 2 person but also no complains! Room service was delicious and fast as usual, the restaurant staffs were polite and well-manered. During check in and check out I was helped by Fernanda/Franda (sorry Miss, I forgot the spelling of your name but you know who you are ;)), she was very polite and kind and always keep a smile to herself. All staffs were extremely helpful and I had no trouble during my stay. So thank you so much BWPLG for the experience. I will be back here in the future.
Veure ofertes d'habitació
Dear Mr/Ms Marchelina, Warmest Greetings from Best Western Premier La Grande! Thank you very much for sharing such a wonderful review about your recent stay at Best Western Premier La Grande. Great to know that you really had an amazing time with us and our team provided you excellent service. I will surely share your lovely words and compliment with the team, we are delighted that we were able to exceed your expectations. We highly appreciate your feedback and we definitely look forward to welcoming you back in the nearest future. Best regards, Sukanto General Manager
Pleasant Stay”
We had a pleasant stay in the Hotel. The location is so good, right in the heart of Bandung City. Good facilities, superb cleanliness yet with a fair price. Definitely will be back for our Bandung visit.
Veure ofertes d'habitació
Dear Mr/s Tri, Warmest Greetings from Best Western Premier La Grande! We are excited to know that you really enjoyed the hotel facilities and service and also you had a fabulous stay at Best Western Premier La Grande. Your stunning feedback and compliment will be shared with the entire team to motivate them to continuously deliver an excellent service. It was our pleasure to have you as our guest, thank you for sharing a stunning review on for other travelers and certainly, we are looking forward to welcoming you back again soon with us for more enjoyable stay! Best regards, IB Santoso General Manager
Quite comfortable stay ”
Ok hotel for that price. Nothing great though. Facilities (gym, bar) work tiny time a day. Staff was just ok. We asked to change the room cause AC system was super loud and vibration.
Veure ofertes d'habitació
Dear Mr/s tatiana, Warmest Greetings from Best Western Premier La Grande! Thank you very much for staying with us and for sharing your valuable feedback on Agoda. We are happy to know that you are deeply satisfied with our hotel strategic location, facilities, concept and the overall ambiance. It was a pleasure to have you as our guest, we look forward to welcoming you back in the near future for another enjoyable stay with Best Western Premier La Grande. Best regards, Sukanto General Manager
Excellent hotel's staff service”
The staff is polite as always. Almost everything is perfect with this hotel, save for the lighting in my room which was a bit on the dim side. There's also some noise from the crowds across the street from a mall, but it's beyond the hotel's control.
Veure ofertes d'habitació
Dear Mr/s Handy, Warmest Greetings from our home at Best Western Premier La Grande! We would like to thank you for your review. We are very pleased to hear that you enjoyed your stay with our terrific team. We look forward to have you back soon. Best Regards, IB Santoso General Manager
Best Hotel in Bandung”
I loved this hotel very much because the location very strategic to go to anywhere.. Very clean room and staff was kind.. Breakfast was awesome too.. :)
Veure ofertes d'habitació
Dear Mr/s Jonathan, Warmest Greetings from Best Western Premier La grande! We are excited to know that you really enjoyed the hotel facilities and service and also you had a fabulous stay at Best Western Premier La grande. Your stunning feedback and compliment will be shared with the entire team to motivate them to continuously deliver an excellent service. It was our pleasure to have you as our guest, thank you for sharing a stunning review on Agoda for other travelers and certainly, we are looking forward to welcoming you back again soon with us for more enjoyable stay! Best regards, IB Santoso General Manager
Great place to stay in Bandung ”
The place is in center of Bandung and near BIP (Mall). You can go by walk and there are many food choices. Foods in the hotel was delicious. Especially Asian foods.... I really enjoyed my stay over here.... if I have a chance...I’ll come back again...
Veure ofertes d'habitació
Dear Mr/s Ghina, Warmest Greetings from Best Western Premier La Grande! Thank you very much for staying with us and for sharing your valuable feedback on Agoda. We are happy to know that you are deeply satisfied with our hotel strategic location, facilities, concept and the overall ambiance. It was a pleasure to have you as our guest, we look forward to welcoming you back in the near future for another enjoyable stay with Best Western Premier La Grande. Best regards, Sukanto General Manager
Nice place to stay”
It is one of the nice hotels in Bandung. Staff were very helpful, especially the valet team. We stayed on the weekend and the hotel was fully occupied and it was very hard to find a vacant parking spot, and fortunately they offered free valet for hotel guests.
Veure ofertes d'habitació
Dear Mr/s Prineke, Warmest Greetings from Best Western Premier La Grande! Thank you very much for sharing such a wonderful review about your recent stay at Best Western Premier La Grande. Great to know that you really had an amazing time with us and our team provided you excellent service. I will surely share your lovely words and compliment with the team, we are delighted that we were able to exceed your expectations. We highly appreciate your feedback and we definitely look forward to welcoming you back in the nearest future. Best regards, Sukanto General Manager
exeptional property at city center”
Best Western offered a very best price compare to normal condition. this is my second stays. the previous stay were do to business and currently was short vacation with family. no doubt choose Best western when visit bandung. the only need minor improvement is only the elevator a bit slow
Veure ofertes d'habitació
Dear Mr/s Herlina, Warmest Greetings from Best Western Premier La Grande! Thank you very much for staying with us and for sharing your valuable feedback on Agoda. We are happy to know that you are deeply satisfied with our hotel strategic location, facilities, concept and the overall ambiance. It was a pleasure to have you as our guest, we look forward to welcoming you back in the near future for another enjoyable stay with Best Western Premier La Grande. Best regards, Sukanto General Manager
It was an extraordinary stay. My husband and I were very pleased. The hotel is located in the center of the city, very close to 2 shopping malls, and the hotel room itself was spacious and clean. The only thing they need to improve is the parking lot. Very crowded and small, really hard to find a parking space if you bring your own vehicle.. But overall, it was a great stay. Will come back for sure :)
Veure ofertes d'habitació
Dear Mr/s. Gabriela, Warmest Greetings from Best Western Premier La Grande. Our staff and management would like to send you our gratitude for trusting your stay with us. We are really pleased to know you have enjoyable stays at Best Western Premier La Grande. At the same time, we really appreciate your feedback in, and to tell us that our hotel stays in your mind. Delivering service and facilities which exceeding guest expectation is always our priority, and through your feedback, we are really glad to know you experienced the enjoyable ones during your stays. We will keep improving ourselves to serve our guests better in the future. We will pass this review to our team to encourage us to serve our future guests even better. Last, i personally thank you for your feedback and we are looking forward to welcome you back in the near future. Warmest regards, IB Santoso General Manager
Best stay at the heart of Bandung”
I had to stay in for work and I had the best time. Clean, comfy bed and pillows, spacious room, and good service. I'll definitely coming back.
Veure ofertes d'habitació
Dear Mr/s Riantyas, Warmest Greetings from Best Western Premier La Grande! Thank you very much for staying with us and for sharing your valuable feedback on Agoda. We are happy to know that you are deeply satisfied with our hotel strategic location, facilities, concept and the overall ambiance. It was a pleasure to have you as our guest, we look forward to welcoming you back in the near future for another enjoyable stay with Best Western Premier La Grande. Best regards, Sukanto General Manager
Good stay”
Had a great experience here... Large room, clean, good view, and good service...
Veure ofertes d'habitació
Dear Mr/s Richard, Warmest Greetings from Best Western Premier La grande! We are excited to know that you really enjoyed the hotel facilities and service and also you had a fabulous stay at Best Western Premier La grande. Your stunning feedback and compliment will be shared with the entire team to motivate them to continuously deliver an excellent service. It was our pleasure to have you as our guest, thank you for sharing a stunning review on Agoda for other travelers and certainly, we are looking forward to welcoming you back again soon with us for more enjoyable stay! Best regards, IB Santoso General Manager
Very nice staff and clen hotel , very good enough spaces and modern electric equipment 24 hrs restaurant with nearest food stall and mall in town..
Veure ofertes d'habitació
Dear Mr/s Harudin, Warmest Greetings from Best Western Premier La Grande! We are excited to know that you really enjoyed the hotel facilities and service and also you had a fabulous stay at Best Western Premier La Grande. Your stunning feedback and compliment will be shared with the entire team to motivate them to continuously deliver an excellent service. It was our pleasure to have you as our guest, thank you for sharing a stunning review on Agoda for other travelers and certainly, we are looking forward to welcoming you back again soon with us for more enjoyable stay! Best regards, IB Santoso General Manager
Best price and really worth it”
+ kamar bersih, luas + staff ramah, boleh early check in + makanan beragam + lokasi sangat strategis, dekat stasiun juga - kolam renang kecil - lift sedikit
Veure ofertes d'habitació
Dear Mr/s. dyah, Warmest Greetings from Best Western Premier La Grande. Our staff and management would like to send you our gratitude for trusting your stay with us. We are really pleased to know you have enjoyable stays at Best Western Premier La Grande. At the same time, we really appreciate your feedback in, and to tell us that our hotel stays in your mind. Delivering service and facilities which exceeding guest expectation is always our priority, and through your feedback, we are really glad to know you experienced the enjoyable ones during your stays. We will keep improving ourselves to serve our guests better in the future. We will pass this review to our team to encourage us to serve our future guests even better. Last, i personally thank you for your feedback and we are looking forward to welcome you back in the near future. Warmest regards, IB Santoso General Manager
Perfect Location, Great Bed, Spacious!”
It was a pleasant stay, the room is spacious, lovely bed, and talk about location.. just cant get any better. The service is okay.. i expect more in hospitality to be honest, nothing bad about the team but it has room for improvement like more smile would be great in the reception and securities. If they can improve this i personally think this hotel would be OUTSTANDINGLY AMAZING!! Great value of money overall!
Veure ofertes d'habitació
Dear Mr/s. Muhammad, Warmest Greetings from Best Western Premier La Grande. Our staff and management would like to send you our gratitude for trusting your stay with us. We are really pleased to know you have enjoyable stays at Best Western Premier La Grande. At the same time, we really appreciate your feedback in, and to tell us that our hotel stays in your mind. Delivering service and facilities which exceeding guest expectation is always our priority, and through your feedback, we are really glad to know you experienced the enjoyable ones during your stays. We will keep improving ourselves to serve our guests better in the future. We will pass this review to our team to encourage us to serve our future guests even better. Last, i personally thank you for your feedback and we are looking forward to welcome you back in the near future. Warmest regards, IB Santoso General Manager
+ very very good location, both front and back got mall. + very close to train station and kartika sari + very close to paskal, alun2, braga st. + very comfy and big room and shower area. - small parking space for hotel and apartment this large. - elevator is always busy and quite long wait. - my wife said the spa did not good, made her body more ache rather than relaxing. - the glass cannot withstand the sound of racing exhaust from motorcycle, it gets very loud
Veure ofertes d'habitació
Golf trif”
We travel a lot of golf trips and we like clean and friendly staff and helpful
Veure ofertes d'habitació
Dear Mr/s Joseph, Warmest Greetings from our home at Best Western Premier La Grande! We so glad you found our staff to be so accommodating and responsible as quality service is our top priority. We hope to see you again soon! Best Wishes, IB Santoso General Manager
Well located”
Right in front of Bandung Indah Plaza. Stayed here during pandemic, and healthy protocol was well implemented. Looking forward to stay again...
Veure ofertes d'habitació
Dear Mr/s Richard, Warmest Greetings from Best Western Premier La grande! We are excited to know that you really enjoyed the hotel facilities and service and also you had a fabulous stay at Best Western Premier La grande. Your stunning feedback and compliment will be shared with the entire team to motivate them to continuously deliver an excellent service. It was our pleasure to have you as our guest, thank you for sharing a stunning review on Agoda for other travelers and certainly, we are looking forward to welcoming you back again soon with us for more enjoyable stay! Best regards, IB Santoso General Manager
Have a great breakfast option, very friendly staff and clean room..
Veure ofertes d'habitació
nyaman nginap di sini,staf ok,makanan ok,lokasi strategis pokoknya the best”
toppp bgt dah
Veure ofertes d'habitació