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Pa Kha Guesthouse
Dublă cu ventilator și apă caldă Pa Kha Guesthouse
balcon/terasă Pa Kha Guesthouse
balcon/terasă Pa Kha Guesthouse
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Pa Kha Guesthouse

Ban Khone, Don Khone, Muang Khong, Laos - PE HARTĂ
Wi-Fi gratuit
Repere turistice din zonă
Sunset View 220 m
Dispensaire 720 m
Don Det 730 m
Long Island Swimming Pool 1,0 km
Broken bridge 1,2 km
Don Khon 1,5 km
Don Ann 1,6 km
Khane Paksy Waterfall 1,6 km
Secret campsite - from here go along the river to the waterfalls (cross before 7 and you'll have it for free to yourself) 1,7 km
nice swimming hole. it’s deep where the waterfall come down 1,8 km



Scor evaluări locație

Locație excelentă
  • Wi-Fi gratuit în toate camerele

  • balcon/terasă

  • schimb valutar

  • servicii achiziții bilete

  • servicii spălătorie

Mai ieftin decât 95% dintre toate locuri de cazare din Muang Khong în ultimele 24 de oreComparare cu 87 locuri de cazare ale Agoda din Muang Khong pentru diferite date calendaristice
Raport calitate-preț8,2
Cotație locație8,5

Camere disponibile la Pa Kha Guesthouse

Foarte bun
Confort & calitate cameră
Dublă cu ventilator și apă caldă (Double Fan Hot Water)
  • Mărime cameră: 16 m²/172 ft...
  • Vedere: Râu
  • 1 pat dublu
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    Formalitățile de check-in încep la 14:00, iar cele de check-out au loc până la 12:00. Puteți solicita efectuarea formalităților de check-in devreme sau check-out târziu în timpul efectuării rezervării, în funcție de disponibilitate. Oaspeților care efectuează formalitățile de check-in sau check-out înainte, respectiv după orele desemnate li se poate percepe un cost suplimentar. Recepția este deschisă permanent, zi sau noapte.

    Cum ajung la Pa Kha Guesthouse?

    Celor care sosesc cu autoturismele proprii, Pa Kha Guesthouse le pune la dispoziție o parcare auto destinată oaspeților.

    Care sunt opțiunile mele pentru servirea meselor la Pa Kha Guesthouse?

    Pa Kha Guesthouse are un restaurant în incintă pentru confortul meselor dvs.

    Care este politica privitoare la fumători la Pa Kha Guesthouse?

    Pa Kha Guesthouse nu permite fumatul în niciuna dintre camerele sale, dar permite fumatul în zonele desemnate.

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    Mai multe despre Pa Kha Guesthouse

    Mai multe despre Pa Kha Guesthouse

    Situat bine în zona de sport, vizitarea reperelor din oraşul Muang Khong, Pa Kha Guesthouse oferă un loc mai propice pentru a lua o pauză de la zilele aglomerate. De aici, oaspeţii se pot bucura de acces facil la tot ce acest oraş plin de viaţă are de oferit. Cu locaţia sa convenabilă, hotelul oferă acces facil la destinaţiile de neratat ale oraşului.

    La Pa Kha Guesthouse, niciun efort nu este precupeţit pentru a face oaspeţii să se simtă confortabil. Pentru aceasta, hotelul oferă cele mai bune servicii şi dotări. În timp ce sunt cazaţi în această locaţie minunată, oaspeţii se pot delecta cu servicii bilete, 24-ore recepţie, expres check-in/check-out, parcare auto, restaurant.

    Dotările din hotel au fost alese cu grijă pentru cel mai înalt grad de confort şi delectare. În unele camere, turiştii pot regăsi prosoape, camere nefumători, balcon/terasă, ventilator, cabină de duş. În plus, ofertele de agrement găzduite de hotel vă asigură o multime de lucruri de făcut în timpul sejurului dumneavoastră. Pa Kha Guesthouse este un loc ideal de cazare pentru turiştii ce caută şarm, confort şi comoditate în Muang Khong.

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    Recenzii ale Pa Kha Guesthouse de la oaspeți reali

    Furnizate de oaspeți verificați ai Agoda
    Confort și calitate cameră8,0
    Raport calitate-preț8,2
    Cotație superioară pentru Muang Khong
    9+ Excepțional (22)
    8-9 Excelent (15)
    7-8 Foarte bine (21)
    6-7 Bine (6)
    <6 Sub așteptări (19)
    Perioada din an
    Mar - Mai (19)
    Iun - Aug (14)
    Sep - Nov (10)
    Dec - Feb (40)
    Toate tipurile de turiști (129)
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    Afișare recenzii care menționează 

    Afișare 83 comentarii de la oaspeți verificați
    krystyna din Polonia
    Turist solitar
    Dublă cu ventilator și apă caldă
    Sejur 2 nopți în februarie 2018


    The guesthouse is really good, great location. I went to Don Kohne to rest, and this place was just perfect, quiet and everyday sunsets from a hammock were just perfect. Not everyone can speak English there, but I have managed to communicate with them. Highly recommended!

    Recenzat 01 martie 2018

    Vizualizați oferte camere

    Anna din Polonia
    Turist solitar
    Dublă cu ventilator și apă caldă
    Sejur 2 nopți în noiembrie 2017

    Beautiful view”

    Nice basic bungalows at the riverside with a view on the sunset side, perfect place to stay for few days to relax. I just recommend to take a room directly from the owner, the real cost of the bungalow is 60000 kip (7-8 $).

    Recenzat 30 noiembrie 2017

    Vizualizați oferte camere

    Foarte bun
    Simone din Germania
    Turist solitar
    Dublă cu ventilator și apă caldă
    Sejur o noapte în ianuarie 2019

    Foarte bun”

    It's a nice bungalow/guesthouse. The room was clean and the balcony good to read or sleep. The reception was a bit confusing, often I couldn't find anyone. The second night, I didn't book online, was cheaper for me.

    Recenzat 01 februarie 2019

    Vizualizați oferte camere

    Daniel din Spania
    Dublă cu ventilator și apă caldă
    Sejur o noapte în ianuarie 2019

    Quiet escape ”

    The guesthouse is located not far from Don Khone ‘main’ drag but it’s very very quiet. It’s almost the last guesthouse in the strip. Incidentally it will be the first one after disembarking in the island since the host will leave you here and not in the main drag. Can’t comment on the food. Bungalows are simple but clean, mosquito net, deck for sunset views, etc. Price in situ is 60,000kip. It didn’t seem very busy, just a couple rooms occupied.

    Recenzat 14 ianuarie 2019

    Vizualizați oferte camere

    Heather din Statele Unite
    Dublă cu ventilator și apă caldă
    Sejur 3 nopți în ianuarie 2019


    Fabulous! We lucked out and got room #1 which is on the end and more private. Loved being on the water. So peaceful we stayed an extra day!

    Recenzat 30 ianuarie 2019

    Vizualizați oferte camere

    John din Olanda
    Dublă cu ventilator și apă caldă
    Sejur 5 nopți în ianuarie 2018

    Real Idyllic place to stay”

    Nice basic place to stay, good place for meeting new friends, nice lady keeping an eye on everything. Restaurants, sightseeing, mekong waterfalls nearby.

    Recenzat 17 ianuarie 2019

    Vizualizați oferte camere

    Claire din Franţa
    Turist solitar
    Dublă cu ventilator și apă caldă
    Sejur 2 nopți în iulie 2018

    A cocoon on the Mekong”

    A simple and pretty hotel with a gorgeous view directly on the Mekong. You easily spend a day here, chilling in a hammock or reading a good book with this peaceful scenery just for yourself. The owner is very nice and helpful and she speaks very good French which has been practical for us.

    Recenzat 25 iulie 2018

    Vizualizați oferte camere

    Valentine din Franţa
    Dublă cu ventilator și apă caldă
    Sejur 3 nopți în februarie 2018

    Beautiful view and sunset ”

    Really nice place, with a pleasant host, helpful. Multiple services provided for reasonable prices. Great room, bungalow style, thin walls though, but nothing annoying. Beautiful view on the me Kong and the river.

    Recenzat 03 martie 2018

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    David din Noua Zeelandă
    Turist solitar
    Dublă cu ventilator și apă caldă
    Sejur 8 nopți în ianuarie 2018

    A Real bargain in the 4000 Islands”

    I stayed 7 days here and really enjoyed my time. The older lady who runs the office was a pleasure to deal with. I have seen other reviews claiming that the son is rude, in fact he is nothing of the kind. He is just shy with his english, but once you make an effort to talk with him over a couple of days the syhness lifts. It was fantastic sitting on the balcony each night to photograph the susnset. My only complaint is the walls between the rooms are too thin, this could be remedied with some drywall and soundproofing material. Would happily stay there again.

    Recenzat 27 februarie 2018

    Vizualizați oferte camere

    Maria din Cambodgia
    Dublă cu ventilator și apă caldă
    Sejur 2 nopți în ianuarie 2018

    Friendly and good to save money”

    The owner, a sweet and strong woman, booked for us a kayaking tour of the island. The best and ecologic way to see as much as you can in one day. I want to suggest this experience with green paradise because you can enjoy with Laos guides very true people

    Recenzat 23 ianuarie 2018

    Vizualizați oferte camere

    Romy din Germania
    Dublă cu ventilator și apă caldă
    Sejur 3 nopți în februarie 2017

    Very quiet area and very simple accommodation ”

    People who like it very quiet and simple are fine here otherwise I would recommend to book a accommodation in don det . Food was very good! Accommodation nothing special but okay streight located at the river with 1 Hamok outside the room .

    Recenzat 09 martie 2017

    Vizualizați oferte camere

    Katy din Regatul Unit
    Dublă cu ventilator și apă caldă
    Sejur 2 nopți în noiembrie 2016

    Beautiful island, lovely food, cheap room”

    Beautiful, peaceful and laid back island - lots of walking and waterfalls to keep us busy. Cheap and practical accommodation with a fantastic view over the Mekong, great food at the restaurant and ideal location. Had a little trouble getting to and from the island via boat as our tour provider forgot to pick us up to make us back to the mainland (Green Paradise). However, the manager and her son were brilliant in a crisis and helped us completely.

    Recenzat 30 noiembrie 2016

    Vizualizați oferte camere

    Jennifer din Irlanda
    Dublă cu ventilator și apă caldă
    Sejur 3 nopți în noiembrie 2016

    We loved it!!”

    Cute bamboo style rooms on the riverside. The rooms were clean and the bed was comfortable. There was a mosquito net provided. There was a hammock outside each room. It was soo relaxing to just relax and let the day pass by! There is a restaraunt as part of the GH also and the food is very nice. There is no atm on Don Khone or don det and we were running short of kip so the staff allowed us to put our meals on tab and pay by credit card at the end of our stay. The staff, the young man especially, was lovely and had good English. They have a proper coffee machine and the coffee is good! Overall, we stayed 3 nights and enjoyed our stay very much. The only thing we would have liked was wifi in the rooms. The WiFi in the main area is good however.

    Recenzat 28 noiembrie 2016

    Vizualizați oferte camere

    Sean din Canada
    Dublă cu ventilator și apă caldă
    Sejur 2 nopți în iulie 2016

    Great spot , quiet and tranquil ”

    The location close to the end of guest houses on the street is not really any issue. It's quiet and relaxing place . Restaurant is a bit pricey compared to others but food quality is excellent. The owner and her staff were very personable and friendly .

    Recenzat 30 iulie 2016

    Vizualizați oferte camere

    Anne din Statele Unite
    Dublă cu ventilator și apă caldă
    Sejur o noapte în iulie 2016

    Relax here ”

    Relaxing and lovely guesthouse with a hammock right outside your door, over looking the Mekong River. We had a wonderful time at Pa Kha, so much a 2 day trip turned into a week. Located on the main/only strip of Don Kohn, great location. Near restuarants and your guides. Pa Kha also has a restuarant that served great food at a great price. Noodle soup is fantastic!

    Recenzat 22 iulie 2016

    Vizualizați oferte camere

    Doug din Australia
    Turist solitar
    Dublă cu ventilator și apă caldă
    Sejur 3 nopți în februarie 2018


    Nice large rooms overlookong the river, great staff and restaurant. Great value!

    Recenzat 21 februarie 2018

    Vizualizați oferte camere

    Andrzej din Polonia
    Turist solitar
    Dublă cu ventilator și apă caldă
    Sejur o noapte în martie 2018

    Peste medie”

    Doesnt have a bungalow feeling. More like a guesthouse. Restaurant is not on the riverfront. Hammocks are set in such way that you cannot really relax; changed to other bungalows (on don det) after one night. Its not a bad place but if you want to chill in a hammock then choose different location.

    Recenzat 16 martie 2018

    Vizualizați oferte camere

    Giorgio din Australia
    Turist solitar
    Dublă cu ventilator și apă caldă
    Sejur 4 nopți în august 2017


    Food was ok but overpriced compared to other restaurants on the island The fan in the room was noisy The bathroom was awful No hot water in the shower but it doesn't really matter given how hot it was in that damn room They don't speak much English The old lady is lovely but the son treats you like he really doesn't want you to be there I loved the hammock and the sunsets

    Recenzat 14 august 2017

    Vizualizați oferte camere

    Andrew din Statele Unite
    Turist solitar
    Dublă cu ventilator și apă caldă
    Sejur 2 nopți în iunie 2017

    Ok - but no hammocks”

    The pictures show hammocks - it's what I really wanted at my stay. There weren't any. Very bummed!! Otherwise room was ok - except the bug net was so gross that getting bit by bugs was better. Bed was comfortable and bathroom was clean and functional. Walls very tin between rooms. Restaurant was slow but good enough. They were helpful in booking transportation.

    Recenzat 10 iunie 2017

    Vizualizați oferte camere

    Karen din Canada
    Dublă cu ventilator și apă caldă
    Sejur 3 nopți în februarie 2017

    The location is great and close to lots of other restaurants and little convenience stores however there are better accommodations that are much cheaper. The food and coffee and drinks are excellent i”

    Long and short is if you want a really cheap Andrea budget accommodation that's right on the river, then this is the place but it's his budget as you can get. There's no hot water Andrew my friend had had ants crawling on the bed. I got moved once because my door didn't lock from the inside. All that being said, I would still recommend it as long as you're not looking for anything fancy. If you do stay in the resort, you also have the option of staying in Bungalows that aren't on the river and are right beside the restaurant for not much more and they have air conditioning and are very nice and to have hot water

    Recenzat 15 februarie 2017

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    Acesta este un loc de cazare popular. Nu-l ratați!

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