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Aeroportul Nakhon Phanom 64,01 km
Aeroportul Sakon Nakhon 106,81 km
Aeroportul Vinh City 130,93 km
Aeroportul Savanakhet 155,96 km
Aeroportul Dong Hoi 203,21 km
Xieng Khouang Airport 234,36 km
Spring River Resort
Bungalow cu vedere la grădină-cu pat dublu - Dormitor Spring River Resort
Hol Spring River Resort
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Spring River Resort

Ban Tiou Village from Kong Lor Cave to SpringRiver Resort is 2.724 km., Peștera Kong Lor, Koun Kham, Laos, Near Kong Lor Cave - PE HARTĂ
Avantajele locului de cazare
Hygiene Plus
Acest loc de cazare a ales și a certificat pe cont propriu măsurile de igienă.
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check-in/check-out [expres]
Check-in fără probleme
Hygiene Plus
Acest loc de cazare a ales și a certificat pe cont propriu următoarele măsuri de igienă.Aflați mai mult
Dotări pentru siguranță
Personal instruit conform protocolului de siguranță
Sănătate și medical
trusă de prim-ajutor
  • Transfer aeroport

  • Wi-Fi gratuit în toate camerele

  • schimb valutar

  • curățenie zilnică

  • balcon/terasă

Mai ieftin decât 82% dintre toate locuri de cazare din Koun Kham în ultimele 24 de oreComparare cu 11 locuri de cazare ale Agoda din Koun Kham pentru diferite date calendaristice
Raport calitate-preț9,1
Distanță de centrul orașului2.7 KM
Cotație locație9,4

Camere disponibile la Spring River Resort

Foarte bun
Confort & calitate cameră
Bungalow cu vedere la grădină-cu pat dublu (Garden View Bungalow Double Bed)
Bungalow cu vedere la grădină-cu pat dublu (Garden View Bungalow Double Bed)
  • Mărime cameră: 12 m²/129 ft...
  • Vedere: Grădină
  • 1 pat dublu
Introdu-ți datele și vezi prețurile
Bungalou triplu (Triple Bungalow)
Bungalou triplu (Triple Bungalow)
  • Mărime cameră: 20 m²/215 ft...
  • Vedere: Râu
  • 1 pat single şi 1 pat dublu
Introdu-ți datele și vezi prețurile
Garden View, bungalow cu 2 paturi (Garden View Bungalow Twin Beds)
Garden View, bungalow cu 2 paturi (Garden View Bungalow Twin Beds)
  • Mărime cameră: 12 m²/129 ft...
  • Vedere: Grădină
  • 2 paturi single
Introdu-ți datele și vezi prețurile
Room Assigned on Arrival
Room Assigned on Arrival
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    Întrebări frecvente

    La ce ore e check-in și check-out la Spring River Resort?

    Formalitățile de check-in încep la 13:00, iar cele de check-out au loc până la 12:00. Puteți solicita efectuarea formalităților de check-in devreme sau check-out târziu în timpul efectuării rezervării, în funcție de disponibilitate. Oaspeților care efectuează formalitățile de check-in sau check-out înainte, respectiv după orele desemnate li se poate percepe un cost suplimentar. Bungalou oferă oaspeților serviciul de depozitare a bagajelor de mână înainte de check-in, respectiv după check-out.

    Cum ajung la Spring River Resort?

    Spring River Resort este ușor de găsit pornind de la aeroport. Practic, puteți rezerva anticipat chiar și transferul aeroportuar pentru liniștea dvs. sufletească. Trebuie doar să utilizați secțiunea „Înștiințați-ne ce anume aveți nevoie“ de pe pagina rezervării pentru a aduce la cunoștința personalului de la bungalou că doriți să rezervați o cursă, urmând să fiți contactat prin intermediul mesajelor Agoda. Un sejur la Spring River Resort este întotdeauna însoțit de acces facil la zonele din împrejurimile hotelului prin intermediul serviciului de transfer tip shuttle oferit de bungalou. Oaspeților care sosesc cu autoturismele proprii, Spring River Resort le pune la dispoziție o parcare auto în incintă, pentru confort maxim. Parcarea este gratuită pentru oaspeți. Dacă doriți să călătoriți în mod facil prin Koun Kham în mod particular, personalul de la bungalou poate să dispună aranjamentele necesare pentru serviciile unui taxi.

    Care este politica privitoare la fumători la Spring River Resort?

    Spring River Resort permite fumatul în anumite zone și nu este 100% destinat nefumătorilor.

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    Evaluare generală:
    511 recenzii
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    Mai multe despre Spring River Resort

    Mai multe despre Spring River Resort

    Renovat în 2015, Spring River Resort garantează un sejur plăcut pentru oaspeții săi fie că se află în Koun Kham în scop de afaceri fie în scop de relaxare De aici, oaspeții se pot bucura de acces facil la tot ce acest oraș plin de viață are de oferit. Prin situarea sa convenabilă, acest loc de cazare oferă acces facil la destinațiile de neratat ale orașului.

    La Spring River Resort, serviciile excelente și dotările de nivel superior sunt făcute pentru un sejur de neuitat. În timpul sejurului lor de la acest minunat loc de cazare, oaspeții se pot delecta cu curăţenie zilnică, şemineu, magazin cadouri/suveniruri, servicii taxi, servicii bilete.

    Încercați facilitățile de înaltă calitate ale camerelor în timpul sejurului dumneavoastră aici. Unele camere includ băuturi gratuite întâmpinare, intrare privată, prosoape, podea cu lemn masiv/parchet, birou, pentru ca oaspeții să se poată reface după o zi lungă. Ofertele de agrement de la locul de cazare vă asigură o mulțime de lucruri de făcut în timpul sejurului dumneavoastră. Oricare ar fi motivul pentru care dumneavoastră vizitați Koun Kham, Spring River Resort este locul perfect pentru o evadare antrenantă și incitantă.

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    Recenzii ale Spring River Resort de la oaspeți reali

    Clasificare generală
    Bazat pe 511 recenzii
    Recenzii Agoda (149)Recenzii Booking.com (362)
    Clasificare via Agoda9,3
    Confort și calitate cameră8,0
    Raport calitate-preț9,1
    Cotație superioară pentru Koun Kham
    9+ Excepțional (63)
    8-9 Excelent (12)
    7-8 Foarte bine (12)
    6-7 Bine (1)
    <6 Sub așteptări (2)
    Perioada din an
    Mar - Mai (20)
    Iun - Aug (8)
    Sep - Nov (25)
    Dec - Feb (37)
    Toate tipurile de turiști (149)
    Toate tipurile de camere
    Toate limbile

    Afișare recenzii care menționează 

    Afișare 90 comentarii de la oaspeți verificați
    LIM din Malaezia
    Turist solitar
    Bungalow cu vedere la grădină-cu pat dublu
    Sejur 3 nopți în iunie 2019


    The manager Ms Vicky is very helpful and she gave a lot of information. Staffs are very polite, foods are good although is little bit pricey, but it is understandable due to the remote location. extremely relaxing atmosphere in the resort. Like it very much.

    Recenzat 14 iunie 2019
    Bungalow cu vedere la grădină-cu pat dublu
    Sejur o noapte în mai 2019

    The best place to stay in Laos”

    This is an amazing place. The hotel is by a beautiful river with views of the jungle. It’s quiet and peaceful with wooden huts set around a central restaurant. The location is unbeatable. You can swim in the river, take kayaks up and down stream, go on walks around the nearby limestone karst and, of course, visit Konglor Cave. A few points to be aware of. First, if you’re coming by taxi from Ban Nahin, ask to get off at the Spring River sign, which is just before the final stop in Konglor Village. You’ll save yourself the walk back along the way you came. Second, the food is a little more expensive than other places (30-50k for local dishes, 60-80k for Western ones). You might want to have some meals in the village (around 30mins walk away). Definitely bring some snacks. Third, the cave is around 40mins walk away so be prepared for that. We didn’t have a motorbike so ended up walking a lot, but it was worth it for such a wonderful hotel.

    Recenzat 19 mai 2019
    Dominique din Canada
    Garden View, bungalow cu 2 paturi
    Sejur o noapte în martie 2019

    Nature and two options”

    We reserved a room at 17$ but did not realize it was with shared bathroom so we upgraded the room to one with bathroom and it was 65$ (Canadian dollars). With no air conditioned, we thought it was a bit overpriced, espacially since it was a triple room which we didn't need (no double only). But we had a nice balcony with view on the river and the breakfast was nice too. Another problem was the transport to the cave. We were told it would cost 80000 kips (10$+) and not sure we would get someone to come pick us up. We ended up walking to the cave (4km approx) which was notre too bas but felt it should have been more convenient for people choosing to stay at this remote place.

    Recenzat 22 martie 2019
    Valeria din Italia
    Garden View, bungalow cu 2 paturi
    Sejur o noapte în ianuarie 2019

    The paradise in Konglor!”

    We slept for 2 nights and we would have liked to stop a few more days. It's quiet and the river view at sunset is really very beautiful. We opted for a room with a shared bathroom. The trational room was huge and clean. The restroom was very clean and the staff very nice. The restaurent is fantastic! Every dishe we ate was delicious. But the added value is Nee. She's so cute and helpuful.

    Recenzat 11 ianuarie 2019
    Helen din Coreea de Sud
    Bungalou triplu
    Sejur o noapte în decembrie 2018

    nice accommodation”

    My husband and I spent 2 nights in this resort- one night with a room with its own bathroom and one night without. The room with the bathroom has more space in the room than the one without. Also the wall was thicker. We have no problem with the room using common bathroom because there were plenty of bathrooms and washrooms available to use. The food was good and the woman in charge of check- in and dining spoke good English, friendly and helpful. NIce place to spend the night before visiting the Cave.

    Recenzat 30 decembrie 2018
    Juri din Germania
    Bungalow cu vedere la grădină-cu pat dublu
    Sejur 2 nopți în noiembrie 2018

    Great guesthouse by the river”

    We had a great time. The bungalows are simple, but very cosy and clean. They are located in a nice garden, by the river. The food at the restaurant is pretty good. The best thing was the staff. Everyone was super friendly. We had a flat tire and they helped us out and brought us to the mechanics. We would recommend everyone to stay here, you won't regret it.

    Recenzat 06 noiembrie 2018
    Peter din Regatul Unit
    Turist solitar
    Bungalow cu vedere la grădină-cu pat dublu
    Sejur 3 nopți în octombrie 2018


    Spring River is absolutely delightful as a countryside getaway. The location - high above a river - is beautiful, and it is easy to take a small boat or visit Kong Lot cave. I spent 4 nights here and enjoyed every relaxing minute. It is a little difficult to get here by public transport. Most people arrive by motorbike, group bus, or private car

    Recenzat 23 octombrie 2018
    marcel din Elveţia
    Bungalow cu vedere la grădină-cu pat dublu
    Sejur o noapte în mai 2018

    one word to describe our stay: excellent”

    we stayed in a garden view bungalow and where positively surprised how clean the shared toilets and bathrooms were. Endless warm water. 100% recommendable if you are visiting the Kong Lor Cave! Food is a bit more expensive but delicious. Many thanks!

    Recenzat 07 mai 2018
    Florian din Germania
    Bungalou triplu
    Sejur o noapte în martie 2018

    Great, remote location and very good staff. ”

    We loved our night we spent here so close to the river. The staff was very friendly and professional and spoke good English. The food was very good and we very much enjoyed the tranquility of the surrounding nature. Try to book one of the more expensive riverside bungalows with the veranda view over the river... if you’re not pressed for time - as we were - there is a boat shuttle to the caves (even during dry season!). Such a lovely stay!

    Recenzat 21 martie 2018
    Choon din Malaezia
    Călător în grup
    Bungalou triplu
    Sejur o noapte în noiembrie 2016

    Staff were helpful and cheered my stay!”

    It is located at inner part of the village, 1km away from the main road and 3km from the KongLor cave entrance. Ms Leuang and staff were very helpful for everything, communicate in English very well, was The most cheerful thing to stay here.

    Recenzat 09 noiembrie 2016
    Sharon din Australia
    Familie cu copii mici
    Bungalow cu vedere la grădină-cu pat dublu
    Sejur 3 nopți în martie 2016

    Highly recommend”

    Loved staying at here. Highly recommended. Staff were very helpful, friendly and we felt well looked after. It's a very relaxing spot, and close enough to the Caves. I would also recommend going for a walk through the village next door, there are a few sandy beaches further up from the hotel that are also good to visit. Thanks to the staff for a lovely stay. We hope we will come back someday.

    Recenzat 13 martie 2016
    Andrew din Regatul Unit
    Turist solitar
    Garden View, bungalow cu 2 paturi
    Sejur 2 nopți în noiembrie 2018

    Very relaxing and beautiful place”

    The location is stunning situated on a beautiful river in a jungle setting. The food was good, the staff very friendly and it was great for trips up the river, visiting Kong Lor Cave or just swimming in the nearby lagoon. Given the isolated location and jungle setting the accommodation is necessarily quite basic but nonetheless very comfortable, clean and quiet. I would highly recommend a few relaxing days here.

    Recenzat 06 noiembrie 2018
    Angelika din Germania
    Călător în grup
    Bungalow cu vedere la grădină-cu pat dublu
    Sejur o noapte în octombrie 2018


    You should definitely stay there!!! Best accommodation in Laos. We absolutely loved it. Nothing to complain about!!!

    Recenzat 15 octombrie 2018
    Daniela din Statele Unite
    Bungalow cu vedere la grădină-cu pat dublu
    Sejur o noapte în martie 2018

    Just a Lovely Place to Stay!”

    We stayed two nights at the delightful Spring River Resort, while riding the Thakhek Loop on motorbikes. I originally booked a garden view bungalow, but upon arrival realized that the walls were extremely thin and the quality wasn’t what I had expected from the photos on the site. They happily upgraded us to a river view bungalow-much sturdier and private (and the view!). Also more costly, but worth it. The staff were wonderful, the food delicious, the service excellent. It is a peaceful and beauteous respite from the road and they also provide a great water taxi to the waterfalls, which I would recommend. They thoughtfully provided us with sandwiches for the road when we left early in the morning, which was so sweet. If you are visiting the Konglor Caves, I’d recommend a stay here-preferably for more than one night.

    Recenzat 10 martie 2018
    Nicolle din Canada
    Bungalou triplu
    Sejur 2 nopți în februarie 2018


    Had an amazing stay at Spring River. Staff and owners were excellent, super well organized and extremely helpful. The Riverview bungalow we stayed was in excellent with an amazing view over the river and the karst landforms nearby. Food was delicious, everything we tried we thoroughly enjoyed. The crystal clear lagoon was spectacular and the trip to the Konglor cave (both the river trip to the cave and the cave itself) is one of the highlights of our time in Laos. Highly recommend!!

    Recenzat 28 februarie 2018
    William din Noua Zeelandă
    Familie cu copii mici
    Bungalou triplu
    Sejur 3 nopți în decembrie 2017

    A must-stay in Laos”

    Incredible service and hospitality - easily the best we experienced in Laos. The resort is the perfect location for visiting Kong Lor cave, but more than that it’s a beautiful and peaceful place that’s worth checking in for a few nights in a tranquil jungle setting. The boat ride up the river is a tea highlight, and the pretty countryside just down river is worth an afternoon walk.

    Recenzat 23 decembrie 2017
    alan din Regatul Unit
    Bungalow cu vedere la grădină-cu pat dublu
    Sejur o noapte în octombrie 2017


    The hotel is in beautiful jungle surroundings overlooking the river and a limestone karst. It is relatively close to Konglor Village and the Konglor Cave but there are no amenities in the surrounding area. The rooms are basic but very clean and comfortable. The food in the restaurant is a little on the expensive side for the area but of a high standard. The staff are attentive and friendly. We would have loved to have spent another night here as it was so peaceful and relaxing. There is also a camp fire which is lit after dinner time for guests to enjoy.

    Recenzat 16 octombrie 2017
    Dionne din Thailanda
    Turist solitar
    Bungalow cu vedere la grădină-cu pat dublu
    Sejur o noapte în octombrie 2017

    We had a lovely stay. Vicky did everything to make our stay memorable”

    Vicky made us a campfire, rentes us a boat to explore the river. Made us raincoats for on the motorbikes and lovely food. The huts were clean and comfortable. Another couple who did the loop recommanded it to us and we would recommend it to everybody as well!

    Recenzat 11 octombrie 2017
    Josephine din Elveţia
    Bungalow cu vedere la grădină-cu pat dublu
    Sejur 2 nopți în mai 2017

    simply amazing ”

    we stayed here for 4 nights in total and really enjoyed our stay. We had a river- front room and were amazed by the stunning view over the river and the jungel. The location is truly magical. One day we rented a rowing boat and went up the clearwater river which was like nothing we've ever seen before! Its about 3 km away from the tham kong lor cave! we also have to mention the great food and especially the breakfast which was one of the best ones we had during our travels. The resort itself is very clean and beautifully done! the staff was also incredibly helfpul. we honestly wished we could have stayed longer!

    Recenzat 21 mai 2017
    Dawn din Regatul Unit
    Bungalow cu vedere la grădină-cu pat dublu
    Sejur o noapte în ianuarie 2017

    Great quaint wooden chalets by the river”

    Beautiful little resort with spotless cleaning in chalets and seperate bathroom areas. Very peaceful and good for stargazing. The staff were also tremendous, great rappor and very good english. Only neutral comment, the food was lovely but quite pricey.

    Recenzat 23 ianuarie 2017
    Acesta este un loc de cazare popular. Nu-l ratați!

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