Po tej namestitvi je veliko povpraševanje!
Danes so rezervirali 59 popotniki.
Rezerviraj Palais de Chine Hotel
Število zvezdic je podano s strani namestitve kot smernica za udobje, infrastrikturo in dodatke, ki jih lahko pričakujete
Začnite svoje potovanje z odličnim začetkom bivanja v tej namestitvi, ki ponuja brezplačen Wi-Fi v vseh sobah. Strateška lokacija v glavna postaja Taipei vam omogoča dostop do bližnjih lokalnih znamenitosti in atrakcij. Ne odidite, ne da bi obiskali slavno znamenitost Taipei 101. V tej visokokakovostni namestitvi s 5 zvezdicami je gostom na voljo fitnes center in restavracija.
Higiena Plus
Bleščeče čisto
Nahaja se v središču Taipei
Recepcija [24-urna]
Letališki transfer
Recepcija [24-urna]
Letališki transfer
V vseh sobah brezplačen Wi-Fi
Shranjevanje prtljage
Fitnes center
Danes so rezervirali 59 popotniki.
Temelji na 8.281 preverjenih ocenah
Ocena lokacije
Obstaja 294 krajev v neposredni bližini!
Kakovost glede na ceno | 8,3 |
Razdalja do središča mesta | 0km |
Ocena lokacije | 9,4 |
Najbližje letališče | Letališče Taipei Songshan (TSA) |
Razdalja do letališča | 3,9 km |
Kdaj je prijava in odjava v namestitvi Palais de Chine Hotel?
Prijava je od 15:00 in odjava od 11:00. Zgodnjo prijavo ali pozno odjavo lahko zahtevate med rezervacijo, vendar je to odvisno od razpoložljivosti. Gostom, ki se bodo prijavili ali odjavili pred ali po v zato določenem času, se lahko zaračuna doplačilo. Hotel omogoča gostom hranjenje prtljage pred prijavo in po odjavi. Recepcija je odprta vedno (podnevi ali ponoči).
Kako pridem do namestitve Palais de Chine Hotel?
Namestitev Palais de Chine Hotel je enostavno dostopna z letališča. Pravzaprav lahko za večjo brezskrbnost rezervirate svoj letališki transfer vnaprej ob doplačilu 2700 TWD. Preprosto uporabite razdelek "Sporočite nam, kaj potrebujete" na strani za rezervacijo, da bo hotel obveščen/-a, da želite prevoz, in kontaktirali vas bodo preko Agodine platforme za pošiljanje sporočil. Palais de Chine Hotel ima za goste, ki se želijo voziti s svojimi avtomobili, na voljo lastno parkirišče in dodatno parkirišče v neposredni bližini. Parkirišče je na voljo ob doplačilu 500 TWD na dan. Če iščete enostaven način za potovanje po mestu Taipei z zasebnim prevozom, lahko hotel poskrbi za taksi.
Ali v namestitvi Palais de Chine Hotel nudijo zajtrk?
Zbudite se z odličnim samopostrežnim zajtrkom v namestitvi Palais de Chine Hotel. Za odrasle osebe je potrebno doplačilo 968 TWD in 484 TWD za otroke, če ta ni vključen v ceno sobe. Z Agodo lahko prihranite pri ceni zajtrka, če rezervirate sobo z zajtrkom, saj je tako pogosto cenejši, kot če ga kupite v hotel.
Kakšne so prehranske možnosti v namestitvi Palais de Chine Hotel?
Palais de Chine Hotel ima na voljo 3 restavracij za priročno obedovanje. Tukaj se streže večerja in kosilo. Izbirate lahko med pestro ponudbo jedi, saj je na voljo kitajska, zahodnega, mednarodna in azijskega kuhinja. Jedi so na voljo po izbiri z jedilnika med delovnim časom. Vegetarijanski in halal obroki so pripravljeni z največjo skrbnostjo, da bi zadovoljili vsem posebnim prehranskim zahtevam.
Ali se posebni dogodki lahko prirejajo v namestitvi Palais de Chine Hotel?
Za svojo posebno priložnost lahko izberete notranji prireditveni prostor. Veliki dogodki in srečanja, kot so zaroke, zasebni dogodki in poroke, se lahko odvijajo v namestitvi Palais de Chine Hotel. Izvedejo se lahko tudi majhni ali intimni dogodki, kot so rojstnodnevne zabave. Na voljo je avdiovizualna oprema, planiranje, oskrba s hrano in pijačo, okrasitev in glasba, da bo dogodek potekal gladko.
Ali se poslovni dogodki lahko prirejajo v namestitvi Palais de Chine Hotel?
Palais de Chine Hotel je s svojimi prireditvenimi prostori in priročnimi storitvami idealna izbira za prirejanje konferenc in srečanj. 5 prizorišč Za do 532 oseb. Za uspešnost vašega poslovnega dogodka ali srečanja je na voljo široka paleta opreme in storitev, med drugimi tudiavdiovizualna oprema, oprema za sestanke, projektor ali LED zaslon in brezplačni Wi-Fi.
Kakšna je kadilska politika v namestitvi Palais de Chine Hotel?
Palais de Chine Hotel ne dovoljuje kajenje v nobeni sobi ali zaprtem prostoru.
Katera železniška, podzemna ali avtobusna postaja je najbližje namestitvi Palais de Chine Hotel?
Najbližje namestitvi Palais de Chine Hotel je železniška, podzemna ali avtobusna postaja Železniška postaja Taipei Main, oddaljena 160 m.
Katere restavracije so v bližini namestitve Palais de Chine Hotel?
Palais de Chine Hotel se nahaja v soseski glavna postaja Taipei, kjer so priljubljene restavracije, kot na primer Moon Moon Food Qingdao Branch, Moon Moon Food Jinan Branch in Tasty Steak (Taipei Chongqing S. Branch).
Katera priljubljena nakupovalna središča so v bližini namestitve Palais de Chine Hotel?
Območje glavna postaja Taipei z namestitvijo Palais de Chine Hotel je blizu odličnih nakupovalnih možnosti, kot na primer Taipei City Mall, Q Square Mall in Breeze Taipei Station.
Katere priljubljene atrakcije so v bližini namestitve Palais de Chine Hotel?
Palais de Chine Hotel je na območju glavna postaja Taipei, znanem po atrakcijah, kot na primer 2/28 Peace Park, Presidential Office Building in National Taiwan Museum.
Palais de Chine Hotel
Izkoristite urbani pobeg v mesto Taipei z rezervacijo sobe v namestitvi Palais de Chine Hotel. Ker je Palais de Chine Hotel v središču mesta, boste prihranili čas in pot, saj se boste zbudili v središču najboljše soseske.
Palais de Chine Hotel ponuja številne storitve, ki zadovoljijo tudi najzahtevnejše goste. Ostanite povezani ves čas svojega bivanja z brezplačnim dostopom do interneta. Letališki prevoz lahko rezervirate pred datumom prijave, da zagotovite nemoten in udoben prihod ali odhod. Pri svojem raziskovanju mesta Taipei si lahko pomagate s/z taksijem, ki je na voljo tukaj.
Gostom je na voljo parkirišče v tem hotelu. Med čudovitim bivanjem v tem hotelu vam lahko prijazno osebje na recepciji pomaga pri številnih potrebah, ki vključujejo storitve strežaja in hrambe prtljage. Med priročne možnosti v sobi spadajo sobna strežba in dnevno čiščenje, tako da se lahko sprostite in uživate v bivanju. Iz zdravstvenih razlogov kajenje ni dovoljeno nikjer v tem hotelu.
Izkusite visokokakovostno opremljenost sobe med bivanjem v namestitvi Palais de Chine Hotel. Nekatere sobe so za vaše večje udobje opremljene s/z zatemnitvene zavese, klimatsko napravo in posteljnino. Nekatere sobe v namestitvi Palais de Chine Hotel so opremljene s/z balkonom ali teraso in ločeno dnevno sobo že v sami zasnovi. Nekatere izbrane sobe so opremljene s/z kabelsko televizijo, televizijo in storitvijo pretočnega predvajanja v sobi za zabavo gostov.
Lahko vam potrdimo, da so nekatere izbrane sobe opremljene s/z aparatom za kavo ali čaj, ustekleničeno vodo, hladilnikom, instant kavo, instant čajem in mini bar. Dobro je vedeti, da so nekatere kopalnice za goste opremljene s/z toaletnimi potrebščinami, kopalnimi plašči, brisačami in sušilnikom za lase. Izbrane cene sob imajo lahko dostop do VIP salona, ki ponuja vrhunske storitve v ambientu prefinjenega razkošja.
Hrana in dejavnosti
Brezskrbno se zbudite v namestitvi Palais de Chine Hotel, kjer je na voljo tudi zajtrk. Nikoli ne dovolite, da lakota vpliva na vaše načrte! Restavracije v namestitvi nudijo priročne in okusne jedi. Gostje s prehranskimi omejitvami bodo cenili izbor kulinaričnih menijev v namestitvi Palais de Chine Hotel, vključno z možnostjo halal hrane.
Ne glede na to, ali iščete pustolovščino ali samo iščete način za sprostitev po napornem dnevu, Palais de Chine Hotel ponuja vrsto dejavnosti, ki bodo ustrezale vašim potrebam. Ljubitelji fitnesa, ki želijo tudi na počitnicah trenirati, se lahko oglasijo v fitnesu v tem hotelu.
Naokrog po namestitvi
Iz namestitve tem hotelu se podajte na avanturo, da raziščete mesto Taipei. National Palace Museum, ki se nahaja 6,6 km stran, je odličen cilj za muzejski izlet, kjer so na razstavi lokalna umetniška dela s pokrajinskim navdihom. Fotografirajte se pred Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall le 1,6 km stran, saj je to nujen ogled za vse, ki obiščejo mesto Taipei.
Razlogi za bivanje tukaj
Kategorija hrane in obedovanja v tem hotelu je bila ocenjena višje kot v 98 % namestitvah v mestu.
Gostje, ki so bivali v tem hotelu, so podali višjo oceno kot v 95 % drugih namestitvah v mestu.
Gostje, ki so tu bivali, so zelo cenili udobje sob, saj so jih glede tega ocenili višje kot v 97 % drugih namestitvah v mestu.
Razpoložljivost dodatnih postelj je odvisna od sobe, ki jo izberete. Za več podrobnosti preverite kapaciteto posamične sobe.
Vsi otroci so dobrodošli.
For a better future environment, the hotel will only provide towels, two-in-one shower amenities, body lotion, hand wash, toothbrushes and toothpaste in guest rooms and will no longer displayed other disposable toiletries amenities. Hence, we encourage the guests to bring their own toiletries.
Palais de Chine Hotel Taipei - Awarded Recommended Hotel in the 2023 Michelin Guide
Sparkling Room: Experience the epitome of luxury hydration with the renowned "Blupura Sparkling Water Dispenser" from Italy, offering you an instant access to pure, velvety mineral sparkling water with room temperature water, and iced water.
All room rates will be calculated based on the actual number of occupants (Double occupancy fee applies).
In accordance with Taiwan government regulations, currency exchange services at the hotel are exclusively available to guests holding foreign passport.
Le Palais Chinese Restaurant - A Michelin Guide Three-Star Restaurant for 7 consecutive years (2018-2024)
Artbrosia Italian Restaurant - A Michelin Selected Restaurant for 4 consecutive years (2021-2024)
Posredovano s strani preverjenih gostov
10 najnovejših ocen, ki jih je prejela namestitev
Pokaži ocene z omembo
170 m do javnega prevoza
Letališki transfer
Nahaja se v središču Taipei
Location & service superb”
Me and my husband thoroughly enjoyed the prime location of Palais de Chine Hotel, which is adjacent to a mall and within walking distance of Taipei Main Station. The convenience of having a Watson store open until midnight and fast-food options like McDonald's and KFC nearby was a plus. Additionally, the staff were consistently attentive to our needs. Hotel's frontline staff was impressive, with calls consistently answered within seconds. They went above and beyond to assist us, from facilitating the sending of postcards to providing an opener for our beverages. Upon our early checkout to catch an early flight, the hotel ensured we didn't miss out on breakfast box.. Furthermore, the bellboy was attentive and proactive, assisting us with checking the driver and ensuring our luggage was safely loaded into the car. These experiences added to the overall convenience and enjoyment of our stay, showcasing the hotel's commitment to guest satisfaction and exemplary service. However, I was somewhat disappointed by the quality of the amenities provided, especially considering the hotel's 5-star rating and recognition in the Michelin guide. The mattress in our room did not meet the standards expected of a luxury hotel, resembling those typically found in 2-3 star establishments. This was particularly noticeable as the mattress was springy, allowing me to feel the movements of my family members sleeping beside me. The Front Desk Manager, Webber, was responsive to our concerns and offered to show us an executive room with a firmer mattress for an additional cost. While I appreciate his efforts to address our issues, I don't believe guests should have to pay extra to upgrade their room when the standard amenities and comfort fall short of expectations. In summary, while Palais de Chine Hotel has many positive attributes, including its excellent location and attentive staff, there are areas, such as mattress quality and amenities provision, where improvements could be made to uphold its 5-star reputation.
Dear Caprice, Thank you very much for staying at Palais de Chine Hotel and for your kind words of encouragements. Regarding your mention of dissatisfaction with facility, we highly value your feedback and strive to better meet your expectations. We have notified the relevant department manager and your suggestions will be add into our future adjustment policies to improve our service. Thank you for sharing your experience which give us an opportunity to do better. Please come back and visit us! We look forward to welcoming you again for another wonderful stay. Greetings from Taipei. Amy Yu General Manager
Fabulous location and helpful staff”
Subject: A Memorable Stay at Palais de Chine Hotel Dear [Palais de Chine Hotel Management/General Manager], I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the wonderful experience I had during my recent stay at Palais de Chine Hotel. Overall, my stay was exceptional, thanks to the remarkable service and hospitality provided by your staff. First and foremost, the location of the hotel is truly fabulous. It provided easy access to various attractions and amenities, allowing me to explore the vibrant surroundings effortlessly. However, I must mention that the lighting within the hotel was quite dim, which sometimes made it challenging to navigate through certain areas comfortably. Nevertheless, what truly stood out during my stay was the impeccable service delivered by your staff. Despite encountering a minor setback—a sprained ankle—during my visit, the kindness and assistance extended by the hotel staff, particularly Ms. Patty Liu, were beyond commendable. Ms. Liu went above and beyond to ensure that I received the necessary care by helping me locate a nearby clinic and facilitating the process seamlessly. Additionally, I would like to express my appreciation to Ms Ori Wu for the assistance provided during our departure to Taoyuan Airport. The dedication and attentiveness exhibited by Ms. Liu, Ms. Wu, and the rest of the staff truly made my stay memorable. Their professionalism and genuine concern for the guests' well-being reflect positively on the hotel's reputation. In conclusion, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the entire team at Palais de Chine Hotel for their outstanding service and hospitality. Despite the minor issue with lighting, the exceptional service more than compensated for it. I look forward to returning to your esteemed establishment in the future and will wholeheartedly recommend Palais de Chine Hotel to friends and family. Warm regards, Ken Lee Yan Sing Room 1005
Dear Lee, Thank you sincerely for choosing to stay at Palais de Chine Hotel and for your generous compliments. Particularly, thank you for giving Patty.Ori such kind compliments. We will surely share these encouraging words with the team ! We appreciate your support and it would be our pleasure to welcome you back in the future for another delightful experience. Best regards from Taipei. Amy Yu General Manager
Overall good but reception can be more helpful”
Overall is good but as a five-star hotel, I would expect that you tailoring your service to satisfy your clients instead of asking your clients to comprise and follow some nonsense. On Mar 16 8pm, I checked out the business center and grabbed one of the 6-8 bottles of complimentary water, and the reception staff ran all the way to me and told me that the water can only be served in the business center. I told her that I already finished the bottle in my room thats why I am taking a new bottle. She replied politely indicating that I can go fill up the water bottle in the water room on the floor. I returned the bottle to her and left. Are you kidding me ? You are asking your client to work for a bottle of complimentary water? There are multiple ways to handle the situation and make your client feel comfortable 1) the reception can put a new bottle of water in the business center, 2)she can get me a bottle from the back office, 3)she can send someone to bring a new bottle to my room. BUT certainly not asking me to do a duty of filling up the empty bottle. I have never got rejected to get an extra bottle of complimentary water at any hotels, not even at a 3-star in US/Europe. 因為一瓶水讓客人不高興,要客人不方便的跟從你們的無聊原則,你是一家五星級的,合理嗎? Other than this incident, all other staffs are good.
Dear Dorothy, Thank you very much for staying at Palais de Chine Hotel and for your kind words of encouragements. Regarding your mention of dissatisfaction, we highly value your feedback and strive to better meet your expectations. We have notified the relevant department manager and your suggestions will be add into our future adjustment policies to improve our service. Thank you for sharing your experience which give us an opportunity to do better. Please come back and visit us! We look forward to welcoming you again for another wonderful stay. Greetings from Taipei. Amy Yu General Manager
Excellent 5 star service with good location”
The man with specs who serviced us at the front counter provided very good service. He helped us to make a reservation at the restaurant and suggested ways to make our stay fuss free such as informing us to call them for the bell porter to carry our luggages down when we are ready to check out of the hotel. The staff had also helped me call a cooking studio to contact me to make reservation and offered to find a private driver and airport transfer. Not only that, the bwll porters were very helpful. They helped to carry the luggages up the steps and assist my family into the hotel when it was raining. Overall, I really love the service provided. Location wise is the best. It is directly opposite taipei main station, hub to everywhere. The rooms we booked were super spacious, clean and gives a lux feel. For the price we paid, i think it is worth it and will not be my last visit back to the hotel.
Wonderful stay”
Palais de Chine is at a strategic location in close proximity to Taipei train station, rendering it highly convenient for travelers, particularly those accessing the high-speed rail network. The hotel boasts a Renaissance-themed ambiance, characterized by meticulous and tasteful decorations that contribute to an enchanting atmosphere. While some aspects of the room’s features may reflect a slightly dated aesthetic, the overall cleanliness of the accommodations is commendable. The professionalism, warmth, and welcoming demeanor exhibited by the staff further enhance the guest experience, creating a sense of being valued and esteemed. The breakfast buffets offer a plethora of delectable options, ensuring a satisfying and enjoyable start to the day for guests. Overall, our stay at Palais de Chine was thoroughly enjoyable, and we anticipate returning for future visits, drawn by the combination of its convenient location, charming ambiance, and attentive service.